Kitchen timers in AR
This app lets you attach a virtual kitchen timer to any object you encounter in the real world. The timer immediately starts and stays in place, even when you look away.
Managing multiple kitchen timers has been a problem ever since someone lit a fire to prepare food some 1.8 million years ago, so I wanted to see if AR could help with that, providing as many kitchen timers as you need, for free, without having to deal with CR3032 coin-sized batteries.
To make the timers look familiar, I gave the timers a classic kitchen timer look, but freed it from taking up unnecessary space. I also made them face the user, no matter from which angle they're observed.
Making an AR scene: bounding boxes, wireframes, light sources, light influences, light extents and constraints. Almost looks cooler than the final result
— Morten Just (@mortenjust) July 17, 2018
Some people seem to wonder if the kitchen timer demo is real - cc @SHAREN_NOODZ, @backlon
— Morten Just (@mortenjust) July 16, 2018
— Morten Just (@mortenjust) July 16, 2018
Generally agree, although this specific use case isn't much different, ergonomically, from picking up a spatula or a thermometer. One idea might be to install an iPad as a window into your kitchen data
— Morten Just (@mortenjust) July 16, 2018
Kitchen timers in augmented reality with #arkit on #ios12. Motion blur, adaptive lighting, and depth of field!
— Morten Just (@mortenjust) July 16, 2018