
A calorie-neutral way to drink beer

Cover Image for A calorie-neutral way to drink beer
Morten Just

You like beer. You don't like gaining weight. What if you could drink beer without gaining weight?

This app calculates which bar you should walk to in order to burn the beer you'll drink there.

With Flo and JP

Cover Image for An app that measures how boring a movie is
Future Products

An app that measures how boring a movie is

A boredom detector for movie-watching

Cover Image for Nutrition Facts for printers
Future Products

Nutrition Facts for printers

It's too easy to buy something that is hard to use. The food industry has a solution.

Cover Image for An app that talks to robots on the phone
Future Products

An app that talks to robots on the phone

Companies install robots to talk to customers. What if customers installed robots to talk to companies?

Cover Image for Using the elevator will make you miss your meeting
Future Products

Using the elevator will make you miss your meeting

Embedding workouts into a building