
Perfect festival day finder

Morten Just

It's a 3-day festival. You can only go for 1. But which one? What if you could just enter your last.fm username on a web page and let it do the math?

Cover Image for Personal paper-based festival plan

Personal paper-based festival plan

A music festival with 100 gigs can be overwhelming. Add hangovers and sleep deprivation, and the task of picking out a gig becomes unmanageable, and you're left to chance. To top it off, your phone ran out of battery two days ago. What if someone who knows your taste better than yourself could make you a nice, printable, foldable, offline program you can carry in your back pocket? With Claus [https://twitter.com/claus]

Cover Image for The worn interface

The worn interface

In the real world, we can se traces of how other people use things around us. Here's why we should be able to do that in software, too.

Cover Image for What if radio stations were people, too?

What if radio stations were people, too?

I signed up Denmark's biggest music radio station to last.fm, hoping to uncover the truth

Cover Image for What would reality do?

What would reality do?

I like to think of software as a person in a service conversation with the user. The user would be a teenage girl ordering concert tickets or a hung over dad figuring out how to turn on his phone. But the software would always be a professional. Even better, the software acts and makes decisions as if it were among the world’s best in what it is doing. Why shouldn’t it? As interaction designers, we spend hours preparing for a simple five minute conversation. One way to apply this could be imagi