
A music review site you can pivot like a spreadsheet

Cover Image for A music review site you can pivot like a spreadsheet
Morten Just

It's funny how music review sites often just have one, single view of their reviews: a list. And it's funny how we just have come to accept that.

This aggregator lets you pivot on Rating, Genre, Album, Label and Publication.

Cover Image for A highlighter pen for the web

A highlighter pen for the web

With Claus [https://twitter.com/claus]

Cover Image for Why designers should be on a button budget

Why designers should be on a button budget

It's free to add a button in an app. It shouldn't be.

Cover Image for The worn interface

The worn interface

In the real world, we can se traces of how other people use things around us. Here's why we should be able to do that in software, too.


Perfect festival day finder

It's a 3-day festival. You can only go for 1. But which one? What if you could just enter your last.fm username on a web page and let it do the math?