Stories Augmenting the user’s skills, not just their reality Breaking the rules of AR in five demos, accidentally scaring people on the internet — code included
Experiments Remote control instructions in AR This app shows a pre-made layer of instructions on top of a
Experiments Kitchen timers in AR What if you had a million free kitchen timers that never ran out of battery, and disappeared when you didn't need them?
Experiments An app that gives you instant drawing skills Trace the lines of any drawing in any size on any surface in AR
Experiments A Donald Trump Keyboard You most likely don’t agree with the Donald, but when it comes to writing emails, we all have a thing or two to learn from him. That’s where the Trump keyboard for iPhone comes in.
Experiments I doomed mankind with a free text editor Will long and complex words make you look smarter? Meet the people who think that short words will make us dumb
Experiments We're not done with you, stopwatch app A stopwatch uses the clock, but what if it also used all the other sensors?