Launches A free and private video compressor When you save your videos in a video app, they are typically
Launches A book about sketching for app design You don't have to learn drawing to sketch digital products
Launches Textato: A word processor that doesn't think it's a typewriter Most text editors still think the end goal is a piece of paper, and not the web.
Launches An eye tracker that doesn't need humans Millions of years of human eye evolution and 39 people aged 18-50 years old, who thought they were doing one experiment, when they really were doing another. All in one small Mac app.
Launches A mobile browser for desktop I made a compact power-saving browser. But that's not how it started.
Launches An app that replies to your texts Text messages are driving our lives, and we're on the back seat frantically trying to reply before the next one comes in.
Experiments I doomed mankind with a free text editor Will long and complex words make you look smarter? Meet the people who think that short words will make us dumb
Experiments We're not done with you, stopwatch app A stopwatch uses the clock, but what if it also used all the other sensors?
Experiments Friends don't let friends listen to music alone Streaming your Spotify to any number of friends and strangers, legally