
A way to tell if you're late

Cover Image for A way to tell if you're late
Morten Just

Here's the thing: unlike what computers like to believe, we don't travel from A to B exactly as they planned it.

We stop for coffee. We meet a friend. We take detours. We shop.

And then time slips away.

So, there's that blue dot on your map. That's you. What if there were a red dot as well? One that arrives on time. If you see the red dot is in front of you on the route, well, then you should run. If it's behind you, you can grab a coffee.

Cover Image for How to teleport a printer across the Atlantic
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How to teleport a printer across the Atlantic

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Cover Image for Seeing how long it takes to read a book with a paper clip and a browser extension

Seeing how long it takes to read a book with a paper clip and a browser extension

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Cover Image for Photos are notes, too

Photos are notes, too

Ephemeral note taking with photos

Cover Image for How a remote control with just one button could make your TV great again
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How a remote control with just one button could make your TV great again

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